
lawlibThe Sir Arku Korsah Law Library is an essential part of the Law Programme. In developing the library collections, the Faculty has  two priority objectives:
To provide a comprehensive, research level, retrospective and current collection of Ghanaian and African law materials; and
To provide the classic professional texts relating to other common law countries such as the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA.

Students have access to photocopying, microfilm and microfiche equipment, commercial databases on CDROM and the Library's own databases, which will be developed as a basis for a Ghana legal information service.
The Library staff develop and maintain the collections, on a reserve and loan system; they help students to find the meanings of legal citations, and to locate the cited material. They train students in using a wide range of printed and electronic indexes and databases.
The service priority of the Library staff is to assist students to use efficiently the reference and research materials that are professional tools of successful lawyers.

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2012 Election petition highlight -Ghana

Ken and Atubiga Jailed for Contempt of Supreme Court of Ghana

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